Feed Your Hunger
I am not a shopper-shopper. For some reason, having a million bags strung over my arm (or D’s) or spending precious hours trying on dresses after dresses or shoes after shoes do not appeal to me (D, please do not shake your head – yet). Unless I am hungry.
There was a time before our financial planner (the dark ages), before reason reigned supreme. One of his earlier lessons was some words of caution: “Do not go to the mall when you are hungry.” Huh?
He explains: the hunger gives off an emptiness sign to the psyche and the psyche goes haywire and the emptiness needs to be filled – instantly. This is transmitted to the brain, and since the main activity at hand is shopping, the mind fools itself into thinking that the hunger will be satiated by buying. It is correct, to some degree; the buying will stave off the hunger. But the relief is merely temporary. After all, the stomach is still hungry, and the hormone ghrelin is still running out of control in the bloodstream.