I just finished a book recommended by one of my favorite bloggers, Leo Babauta of Zen Habits.
The title was The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake.
I did not know that lemon cake could be sad, and the child in the book did not, too. At the back of my mind was the other book/movie Like Water for Chocolate but I suspended the animation, not wanting to color this latest book with my own perceptions (or that other book’s perceptions). Which were pushed back to the forgotten anyway (which reminds me, I have to get to that book again).
Of late, I have been reading several books where people have super powers. Except they are real and not in the realm of the imagined.
Okay. I may be naive but that was my takeaway: these people are real and they had problems. No, not problems, but abilities which are so far off center that it becomes a disability.
Like people who can taste emotion in food, which mostly, interestingly, is one of pain.