Tag Archives: Dealing With Detractors

We are here to build, not destroy


There are those who will always see the glass as half empty.

There are those who will only see the ugly in the situation – and commit it to memory – so they can remind you of it, and catch you unaware.

(sometimes you get caught unaware – when you are your weakest – and that is okay)

There are those who will say something awful and make you feel bad – while keeping a straight face and looking well-meaning and well-intentioned, their barb carefully placed, making you feel, of course, awful.

(not realizing that words have a way of sneaking up on the speaker)

There are those who will compare and look at you with envious eyes. Not measuring up, they strike out and lash out.

Who are not happy for some reason – the weather, their jobs, other people – and want to share their un-happiness.

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