Tag Archives: Employee

Be in Business, Rock the Boat


Getting There

I am not really a business woman.

At least I did not start out thinking that I could be one.

All I know is how to be an employee.  I was trained to think that way in school.  I was not really aware but I was being groomed to become a top employee, the crème de la crème so that top companies will fight for me come graduation.  My grades were my mirrors, and they were supposed to mirror me in top form so at least I will be considered.  I was taught to follow all the rules, to take it all in and not ask, to be gracious and grateful, because I need these companies more than they need me.

It was my destiny.

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Crossing the Chasm

Going Around in Concentric Circles

Going Around in Concentric Circles

E, S, B, I.

When I first saw “the grid”, I thought they were mystic markings.  I could not have been closer to the truth.

Robert Kiyosaki, in his book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, talked about the 4 quadrants: E for Employee.  S for the Self-employed.  B for the Business Owner and I for the Investor.

Only thin lines separate the 4.  But in reality, millions of dollars and a vast chasm divide them.

And boy, I am finding out what it takes of me to cross that chasm.

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