Tag Archives: League Of Extraordinary Minds

What Many Entrepreneurs Do Not Know (or Realize)


Without the Pomp and Circumstance

Without the Pomp and Circumstance

In making the ad that sells, it is not about you, or your product, or your company.

Yes, branding is okay.  Being perceived as the expert, as trustworthy, is okay.

Having a great product is okay – even great.

But before all the smoke and mirrors, before the hype about your product and its features and its details and what sets it apart from everything else – you have to zero in on what is important, zero in on the hero in the story.

The customers.

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A Matter of Time

Touch Down and then Take Flight

Touch Down and then Take Flight

Everyone is obsessed with time.

It is both a cross and deliverance.  It flies and drags.  But like an illusion, it does not exist.  There is only now.

But what do you do with your time?

Like everyone else, you are probably not very good with it.  You probably spend at least 2 hours of your everyday on reading your email (and clicking links), 2 hours for television or gaming, 4 hours on driving, 8 hours on sleeping and 8 hours on figuring out what to do and what happened to your day. 

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Hoarding Emails (and Letting Go)


I was getting tired of seeing 5,600+ unread mail in my mailbox.  What’s funny is I am also being bombarded with emails that say I should simplify my life.

So I did.

But it is harder than I thought.

As of press time, I still have 3,089 unread emails.  And it is growing by 50 a day.

I am confounded as to why my unread emails became that much.  I am usually overly zealous at reading what’s up in my world and everyone else’s.  Looking at my 2008 emails (Gmail has allowed me to keep them), I saw that I had read each and every one.  I do not know what happened between then and now.

Maybe it’s just that I am a sucker for enlisting for products and services.  In early 2009, I was so big on personal finance and internet marketing that I had signed up for those websites and people my mentors recommended – Schefren, Daily Wealth, Daily Crux, Morningstar, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, League of Extraordinary Minds, Carl Ocab and many more other websites.  I seriously think this is the time when my emails ballooned to unimaginable and my life went from simple to crazy-exciting.

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