Daily Archives: September 10

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Why Are You Not Doubling Your Traffic?

Try to See Through

Try to See Through

Sometimes I panic.

I get an email from Copyblogger or Problogger, asking me why in heaven’s name am I not doubling my traffic?  What am I doing wrong, and I am doing something wrong – when I have lived in the blogosphere for 2 years and have nothing to show for it – have not engaged my readers, have not sold a product, have not made a name for myself out there.  And that I should think, and think deeply, reflect on the things, the ineffective things, that I am doing, delve on the whys, delve deeper.

So the red alert goes on and I find myself on a mad scramble to go on Tweeter or Facebook promoting, and then reluctantly promoting, because I did not want to inundate my Facebook friends’ walls with (self-serving) articles that promote my blog. I know that yes, they may be enriched by it, but I also do not want to be a pest (because I am not a pest).

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