Daily Archives: August 16

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High-Tech School Supplies: 9 Ways to Save

Memories of Manila Waldorf School

Guest post from Andrea Woroch.

Do you remember the days when school supplies consisted of pens, pencils and a few notebooks? Sure, the occasional highlighter or Trapper Keeper may have found its way into the mix, but nothing needed charging, wi-fi or 4G to work properly. Now there are entire generations who know nothing of these archaic ways, back when notes were taken by hand.If your heart sank when you saw the prices of supplies your kids consider essential, you’re not alone. The National Retail Federation estimates a whopping $83.8 billion will be spent on K-12 and college essentials this year. Despite this alarmingly high figure, lots of parents are searching for ways to buy those gadgets with the hopes of not overspending. Before you begin back-to-school shopping, consider these tips to cut costs on high technology.

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