Daily Archives: April 7

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Canada is not a hotel

Minister Jason Kenney

Minister Jason Kenney

In Canada, several changes are happening on the immigration front. Many immigrants, old and new, are very interested, even apprehensive. But politicos reacted fast to allay the fears of the public. The article below, which was an interview of Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney, was published in the Philippine Canadian Inquirer.

Richmond, B.C.—Mr. Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Development and Minister of Multiculturalism, came to Richmond  to discuss the budget unveiled by Minister Jim Flaherty as Economic Action Plan 2014 but was—understandably—bombarded by questions on the spate of changes on the immigration front.

Indeed, media representatives of three of the largest and fastest growing immigrant population in Canada—the Chinese, South Asians and Filipinos—met with the minister at a roundtable to seek answers to questions that are making their groups very concerned: Bill C-24, the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act and what it would spell for their groups in the near future. 

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