Tag Archives: Bonus

Invitation to A Webinar: What You Can Do With Your Christmas Bonus

Learn the Many Ways You Can Advance Your Finances

My mom had this to say about my video invitation to my webinar: You should have tied your hair.

Because I kept flipping my hair this way and that. (chuckles)

But I just had a haircut and the complementary blow dry and the hair was falling smoothly across my face and I did not want to mess it up and I was feeling good anyway and …

Yeah, I should have tied my hair.

Not-tying-my-hair aside, I hope you can join me for my webinar on October 29, 2010 from 12 noon to 1 pm.  I will be talking about what you can do with the bonus that you are going to get.

I’m sure it’s on your mind.  But before you blow it on that special something, know that it can be your startup money for a project, or your ticket to being debt-free.

(there’s also a great company that will have an initial public offering soon and you can invest on that – ask me about this during the webinar)

I hope you can join me.  You can register here.

Special thanks to Medicol.ph and Didi of LovingtheDistance.com for making this happen.

Article and Poster by Issa.  Copyright 2010.
Website: www.YouWantToBeRich.com
Email: issa@youwanttoberich.com

P.S.  I will be on live chat during the webinar – you can ask me anything.  You will also get a certificate at the end.  I hope you register now.  See you!

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