Tag Archives: Lotto

Winning the Lottery

The Sky is the Limit

The grand prize for the lottery soared to obscene heights and people again began to dream.

Of what it would be like to have money, lots of money, the future changed in a whim, through balls swimming in the air.

What would one do with it?

What one can do with it.

Of how it would change everything.  Their lives, their past, their present.

And so they purchase their tickets day after day after day, as if through it they are manifesting their faith in the great unknown.

A chance of 1 in 20,872,566,000 – a chance that they are too willing to take.  If statistics are to be believed, being struck by lighting (1 in 280,000) would appear to be easier.

Yet they take it.  After all, you will not win if you will not roll the dice (or buy the ticket).

If you win, what would you do?

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