Tag Archives: Playstation

If It Does Not Make You Money, Cut the Time You Spend Doing It In Half

Cut It

Cut It

Or obliterate it altogether.

But boys will be boys.  Will be boys.

And my husband, is a boy. (still a boy)

He always has gadget fads that he swears will not last.  But they keep morphing into some other fad, that I want to scream to him: Yes honey, they do not last but they always, always get replaced with something else that take your time away from us!

Like now, it is his PSP and his Tekken game.  He plays it every chance he gets – when waiting for an appointment or before the start of a meeting, in the bathroom, in his office (I bet – but he owns it so I think it is okay), in my hospital bed (when I was recently hospitalized), downstairs in our house when my children and I are having playtime and how-are-you-time upstairs, in our bedroom when the lights have been dimmed and my baby boy who is trying to sleep could not sleep because he is distracted by the eerie disco lights and slightly muted sounds from the PSP game.

I could go on.

Please allow me.

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