Category Archives: The Beginning

High-Tech School Supplies: 9 Ways to Save

Memories of Manila Waldorf School

Guest post from Andrea Woroch.

Do you remember the days when school supplies consisted of pens, pencils and a few notebooks? Sure, the occasional highlighter or Trapper Keeper may have found its way into the mix, but nothing needed charging, wi-fi or 4G to work properly. Now there are entire generations who know nothing of these archaic ways, back when notes were taken by hand.If your heart sank when you saw the prices of supplies your kids consider essential, you’re not alone. The National Retail Federation estimates a whopping $83.8 billion will be spent on K-12 and college essentials this year. Despite this alarmingly high figure, lots of parents are searching for ways to buy those gadgets with the hopes of not overspending. Before you begin back-to-school shopping, consider these tips to cut costs on high technology.

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New Year, New Life

Enjoying winter


Literally.  Because we took it a notch.  Er, notches.

Family and I – we just moved to Canada.  A country an ocean away, separated from us by 13 hours of flight time. A country of rugged beauty, incessant rains, warm winters (8 degrees is warm for them), trees with breadth longer than an arm span, quaint waterfalls and villages, deer that crosses roads at its peril, snow-capped mountains and seas in one sweep of the eye.  A country we have only begun to know.

But before I move on, please allow me to look back.

Because there are some things that I will be missing in my home country, the Philippines.

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If You Are Looking for a Job

New Shores

I love my job. Of course I love my job.

But we are doing the “big move” (more on that in the next articles) and so I have to take another look at a job market somewhere and of course, that means stress and interviews and begging (but trying not to look it) to get hired.

(hubby is doing the business route, that is, setting up a business of his own – in the niche of emergency preparedness, or manufacture of outdoor products, or knife making, oh my genius husband – and I will be doing the employment route – but that has always been our deal – dang)

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Analysis Paralysis: Are You Guilty?

See the Picture, Ignore the Clouds

See the Picture, Ignore the Clouds

Really?  Have you thought about it?

A well-meaning friend (who is looking incredulous) let this question hang in the air, and my mind suddenly started a discourse.

Miffed, it said: Of course I thought about it.  If I haven’t…  this train of thought led me to thinking that “thinking” is actually the problem of most people.  They overthink and end up not doing anything.

It’s as if the thinking itself paralyzes them.  Makes them panic.

Of course one hundred and one things can go wrong, of course it might not go according to plan.  Of course.

Of course people will say mean things, and some will even say I told you so.  Of course.

But then some people’s roles are just that – irritants, devil’s advocates, thought provokers.

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How to Develop a Product (Yes You Can)

No Day Like Today

No Day Like Today

You start with a problem, or an inconvenience.

It could be the weather, or something you are used to but (by gosh) is really painful (like high heels), or something that you cannot control (like your weight, or the bulging of your tummy).

That’s right.  Start with you.

Then you search for an available solution online (information literally is at the tip of your fingers).

But there is none.

There’s your opening.  You have a need for a product.  And chances are, there are a lot of people like you searching for the exact same thing, or if they don’t know it yet, they will recognize their need once you get your product out into the market.

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Celebrating the Chinese New Year


The Chinese New Year has been flitting in and out of the edge of my culture and consciousness as kaleidoscopic images of round red lanterns, tikoy, dragon dances and loud firecrackers.

I remember tikoy (Chinese New Year’s cake made of glutinous rice) and my dad dipping it in just-beaten egg yolks and egg whites, frying it on the pan until it gets golden brown all throughout.  We would gather round the table and get it from the plate while it is still hot, our hands getting sticky and oily and sticky again, while our tongues seek and taste the gooey center where the goodness is until there is no more.

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A Happy Christmas to You from You Want to Be Rich

Invitation to A Webinar: What You Can Do With Your Christmas Bonus

Learn the Many Ways You Can Advance Your Finances

My mom had this to say about my video invitation to my webinar: You should have tied your hair.

Because I kept flipping my hair this way and that. (chuckles)

But I just had a haircut and the complementary blow dry and the hair was falling smoothly across my face and I did not want to mess it up and I was feeling good anyway and …

Yeah, I should have tied my hair.

Not-tying-my-hair aside, I hope you can join me for my webinar on October 29, 2010 from 12 noon to 1 pm.  I will be talking about what you can do with the bonus that you are going to get.

I’m sure it’s on your mind.  But before you blow it on that special something, know that it can be your startup money for a project, or your ticket to being debt-free.

(there’s also a great company that will have an initial public offering soon and you can invest on that – ask me about this during the webinar)

I hope you can join me.  You can register here.

Special thanks to and Didi of for making this happen.

Article and Poster by Issa.  Copyright 2010.

P.S.  I will be on live chat during the webinar – you can ask me anything.  You will also get a certificate at the end.  I hope you register now.  See you!

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